Friday, July 13, 2012

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Agriculture in Nepal :-

We know Nepal is a small and country of villages. It is also known as land-locked country in the world .In Nepal there is less number of factories . The main occupation of the people in Nepal is Agriculture . It is reason the importance of agriculture can not be canceled or minimized.
Nepal is divided in to main three parts these are terai , Himalayas and hilly areas. There is the climate varies for different for different areas. Different types of crops are grown in different variation of the climates. In the plain the land is fertile and in there more crops grows up . The rainfall and other weather condition are also suitable to grow crops. The main crops in plane land are rice, wheat , sugarcane , maize , jowar , pulses and Bajra. The winter crop is Wheat and jute is another main crop in Nepal specially in plane land (terai).
Those people who living in hilly areas grow tea. It is grown very well in hilly areas . And other crops are rice , sugar –cane , maize and many kinds of vegetables. In the mountains , the soil is not favorable for the crops because there is always fall snow and there is very cold all over the year. But the mountain regions are good for grazing. So livestock in the main source of income in the mountain region.
Even Nepal is known as country of agriculture but there is no any big and effective plane in agriculture , all peoples use traditional way in agriculture in Nepal . Government does not give main focus in agriculture, all years many peoples dies by lack of food in many mountain regions.
In Nepal over 90% are doing work in land but in modern generation the image of agriculture decreasing day by day all peoples does not like work in land and all are shifted towards the city and all villages are empty. We hope Nepali government bring new plane for this problem and all Nepali peoples be happy in future.

Travel in Nepal with Nature

Nepal is the best travel place in this world , here is a grate mountain views with full of peace. The second position in water, rich in forest and highest mountain makes Nepal more attractive and attract many people towards the Nepal . The three main different types of land also makes Nepal different and beautiful from other country. Nepal is a land lock country situated in between tow major country like China and India , Nepal makes equal relation with China and India. Many people visit in a single year , they comes from different parts off world specially they like tracking in Nepal . In Nepal travel and tourism is the one of the best major source of earning. Many Nepali people gets jobs for holding their tourist. Nepal is also rich in natural sources there is many rivers , and we know Nepal is the second large country in the world for water , but Nepali people doesn't use it properly , there are many hours Nepali people stay in dark night without current , there is lack of electricity we know Nepal is rich is water but that country is in the process of developed , it increasing many steps in developing now days. There is many natural places which are really beautiful and attract anyone towards them the most beautiful places of Nepal are pokhara , kathmandu , myagdi etc here I am explaing some major city of Nepal which are best for the travel

Pokhara :-

Pokhara is the one of the best travel spot of Nepal , it is also known as city of lakes there is many lakes situated here , many peoples comes here for the natural beauty of this place , when we rich there we feel different and say "yes heaven is here". But now days the pollution is the major factor that changes the beauty into ugly of that city , Nepali people increasing education about that problem but there is lack of effective plane of the controlling that problem . We hope the beauty of that city always be same and we can feel it from our heart.There is many lakes like fewa lake , bagnas lake etc and they are such a gift of nature for us when we looks them we feel very well really its amazing . Personally I want to invite all people please comes here one time and feel it .
There is other many cities lies in Nepal they all are great in natural sources and Nepali people developing many factors of nature that makes easy and best way for the study of nature in Nepal and there is also Nepali government makes very good rules for the developing and tourism sectors of Nepal we hope that there is always peace and they can say "we have grate nature" and many peoples was invite there .

Cloths Of NEPALI People:-

Nepal is under the process of the development therefor Nepali peoples use simple cloths like Nepali women use kuta if they are unmarried and use sari and blouse after they are married and Nepali men use shirts tea shirts , topi(hat) on their head. Many people’s are in agricultural field due to this reason people want to use comfortable cloths . But there is different different types of cloths of each society in Hindu there is one types of cloths , in the Gurung society there is another cloths ,at Limbu there is also another type of cloths and magar there is another cloths . At the area of city like Kathmandu, Pokhara , Dharan there is we can see people wearing modern types of clothes which are come from another Nation. There is different kinds of clothes which are especially use in great event of the respective society .Nepal is really great in cloths also.


Pokhara is a place of remarkable natural beauty and peace. The serenity of Phewa Lake and the magnificence of the fish-tailed summit of Mahhapuchhare (96,977m) rising behind it create an ambiance of peace & magic. Pokhara is home to gushing rivers, emerald lakes. Thick forests and of course, the world best views of Himalaya.Tal Barahi ==Well, it is true that Nepal is a country full of natural beauty. In fact wherever you can see the picture like landscope full of natural flora and fauna. Many people like visiting & I have visited many different places in my life time .Among them Pokhara is the most important places that I have ever visited. Many people are attracted due to its natural beauty. Pokhara is a small city located at the lap of high Himalaya. There are many lakes, rivers & high mountains around it. It is also famous for its caves. There are mainly two caves Mahindra cave & Guptesher cave. There are also many temples, Bindhyabasini; Tal Barahi & Bhadrakali are some of the famous temples in this city .There are many hotels, where you can rest. Hotel Fulbari, hotel Sangarila , Hotel Annapurna are some of the important ones. Most of the hotels are located in lake side area.We can get different types of foods in this hotels ranging from continental to typical Nepali dishes .Pokhara is the place of Gurungs, & Magars ,which are brave in the world and earned great name “Gorkha Soldiers”. Another important ethic group is Thakalis in here, & they are known for their entrepreneurship.The Barahi temple is the most important moment in Pokhara. Built temple in the center of the Phewa Lake, this two-storied pagoda is dedicated to the boar manifestation of Ajima.Another of Pokhara’s natural wonder that unfailingly interests visitors is the Seti Gandaki River. Flowing right through the city places Amazingly, at certain points the river appears hardly two meters wide. But its depth is quite beyond imagination, over 20 meters ! Mahendra pul, a small bridge near the old Mission Hospital, provides a perfect view of the river’s dreadful rush and the deep gorge made by its powerful flow Patale Chhango (hell’s fall), Devi’s Fall is a lovely water fall lying about two km. south west of the Pokhara air port on the Sidhartha High way. Legend has it that a trekker (Devin Devid) was washed away by the Pardi Khola and mysteriously disappeared down into an underground passage beneath the fall.There are many more things to see in Pokhara. It is very interesting place, you can found different feelings in here.

Festivals in Nepal:-

Most of the people are Hindu due to this reason many festivals are celebrated by Hindu as well as other Religious. The great festival of Nepal is Dashai in this festival god Durga was worshiped by people. This festival also known as festival of new cloths and sweet foods. These festivals run at least 10 days in the Hindu Culture. In this festival the junior member of each family gets tika from hand of old member. We can observed that in this festival there is altos of loves and care in whole family the all family members gives respect for each other, and other festivals are Tihar,teej, The Machchhindra Jatra , Bajra Jagini Jatra , Ganesh Chauth , Nag Panchami, Ghoday jatra , Sita Jatra , chat, Gathia Mogal , Banra Jatra , Gai Jatra ,Holi Maghe Sankranti ,Maghi Purnima ,Loshar,etc are the main festivals of the Nepal .Other many mores festivals are celebrate by Nepali People.


Birjung is the one of the important place for Nepal, which is situated at the about 3 kilometer from neither the Indian nor them border Raxaul. Birjung is the great destination for the tourist those who are really interested to know about the industrial situation of the Nepal because it is the main point of Nepal through it many goods and foods are comes into the Nepali land from India and also there is many industries lies in the Birjung which are providing quality things for all Nepali and another country also. The full population of the Birjung is around three hundred thousand; we can easily found the multi language peoples and having different type of culture at this place.There are many people speak different language like Nepali, mithili,Newari, Hindi(Indian).There are many Indian peoples comes here for the different types of jobs.there are also many temples, rivers, Hotels etc are found easily. There is Hospital which is help in the keeping health goods for every people .Birjung is the best place of the Nepal.

Karnali region:

Karnali region:
There are many beautiful places in Nepal which all are famous, Karnali is one of them .In fact Mother Nature has endowed the country with amazing stock of nature, but we found the people of Karnali are virtually living in absolute poverty.Bridge Of Karnali River:The possibility of tourism is abundance in the region, but due to monotonous attitude of the government, almost no efforts have even made to explore new vistas in the karnali region. There are many beautiful hills and lakes all are truly natural. In karnali region their present of beauties due to this reason many people’s are attracted towards karnali. For tourist there is many tracking tracks, we can see there the typical dance and foods which are famous in that area. The Nepal Government also gives important for the tourism in Karnali Region which is wealthy for natural beauty and culture. Karnali is the best place for tourism.


Ilam is the one of the famous and beautiful place in Nepal which is mostly known for tea garden and situated at the Eastern Development Region of Nepal which is the border of India. The weather of this place is cold almost. There is many hills which are helps for increasing the beauty of this place .There are altos of tourists come for the tracking at the hill sides at Ilam .When we are included in this place we fell extremely peace, all peoples who live there are very helpful and there are also big and well managed hotels which can provide the rest place and there you can enjoy local culture of Eastern part of Nepal. The major economic source of this place is tea .The tea garden of this place also help in the development of the nation .And the Nepali Government also give importance for the further development of this region and increase the number of tourist and major product tea .

National Parks, Hunting Reserve, Wildlife and Conservation Area of Nepal:-

Nepal is rich in the nature there is great environment for the well development of the nature due to this reason many National Parks, Hunting Reserve and Conservation Area are found in this country.Among all the national parks Sagarmatha (Everest) National Park is one .It occupies 1148 square kilometers region of the Nepal it includes the highest peak in the world ,Mt.Sagarmatha(Everest) which is 8848m highland other many peaks are in this National Park .Royal Chitwan National Park is the another national park of the Nepal which is lies at Chitwan (middle part of the Nepal) .It covers and established in1973 to preserve a unique ecosystem signification valuable to the whole world.Dhorpatan Hunting Reserve, Mustang Conservation Area , Koshi Tappu Wildlife Reserve , Shey-Phoksundo National Park ,Parsa Wildlife Reserve , RaraNational Park , Royal Bardia National Park , Khapatad (Baba) National Park , Royal Suklaphant Wildlife Reserve , Makalu-Barun National Park and Conservation Area , Annapurna Conservation Area, Manasalu Conservation Area , Kanchanjunga Conservation Area are the most beautiful and quite places of Nepal.When we are going there we fell like in Heaven its true.

Natural Places for Tourism in Nepal:-

Things given by nature for the development of living being are termed as natural resources . Water , air , forest , soil, minerals etc. are the example of natural resources . Nature has been so kind to us that it has bestowed all natural resources in our land . Nepal is a country with variety of climate , which has different types of forest depending upon them.
Nepal is one of the most interesting countries in the world. Along with the natural beauty, the cities of this country are also one of the major points of attraction. The cities of this country are mostly renowned for their historical importances and the natural scenario. Though Nepal was quite less facilated two decades ago, now we can see the country longing for the advancement in every pace. There are many places in Nepal which are known for tourism they are given below and there is many kind and helpful peoples in every city and every villages there is many natural places that really so beautiful and we can not escape our eyes from them,we can take photos of really natural places in our camera ,so hurry up visit our beautiful country and natural places, and in Nepal there is ideal and special natural places and good nature for survive and get long life and be healthy.

Religion & Culture of NEPAL:-

Nepal is rich in Culture and culture, therefore Nepal is known as multi religious to entire world.When the Nepal gets democratic republic nation, the people who live in this country living in various society and establish their own religion life in the world .Due to the division of land the life style of peoples are different from each other, in Mountain region there is one life style, at the hill region there is another life style and the tarai region there is another life style. And every society follows their own language culture, lifestyle and tradition with peace of harmony in Society.About 80% are Hindu religion of total Population of the Nation ,about 10% Buddhist religion people ,they are live in the mountain region to mid hill ,valley . And 4% Muslim religious people and other religious people live in different parts of the country .All peoples with their own religion & culture of Nepal.

Introduction Of Nature And Culture In Nepal

Nepal is most beautiful country of the world.Nepal is the landlocked country and located in the South Asia,there are three types of different regions, one is Himalaya ,second is hillsides and third is tarari.At the south side of the country Himalaya region is located,at the middle side of the country hillsides is located and at the North side tarari is located.Nepal is situated at the between of the two big countries ,one is India and another is China .Nepal is small country with an area 147,181 square kilometers ,but there is various types of weather .The capital city of the Nepal is Kathmandu. There are altos of big cities, Pokhara ,Dharan,illam,Dhankuta are some examples. The highest pick of the world is Mount Everest which is lies at Himalaya region of the Nepal,its name is Sagarmatha in Nepali language. There are many types of Peoples are live in this country like Brahman,Magar,Gurung,Tamang,etc.There are several types of dress of each religion. But there is good understanding in different religions all people are stay in this country without any war. The nature of Nepal is also very beautiful gift of the god, many tourists came here due to the beautiful nature of the country also there very big hotels which are providing good facility for tourists the all are well managed. And all Nepali people helps tourists.The many economic source is tourism and agricultural.

General Introduction of Culture:-

Culture and people are closely related culture is more or less the way of living. It has deep impact on people behavior. I think people try to save the culture basically due two reasons first cutler is the identification of a race ,language, food, cloth, social life, festivals all have strong links to culture. It can present the real picture of the people & their civilization. They think that saving culture is saving them. That is the first reason. The second thing is that they want to spread their culture almost all over the world if it is possible. It makes them powerful. It gives them lots of banalities. I think People try to save their culture due to these reasons.
And culture is the identification of people there is deep relationship between the people and the culture without own culture the life of people is really difficult.Without the any culture in this word difficult to alive so this way we all need to protect our culture and developed it in forward direction,every country ,every city and every villages have their own culture and they are really happy due to this culture because culture is back bone of society.

General introduction of Nature:-

Nature is the greatgift of the god for the world without nature there is impossible of livingthings, all things can get from the nature without them we can not live. Naturehelps in the development of the nation .In nature there is altos of natural resourceslike river, lakes, forests, mountains, mines, and so on .The country can easilydeveloped by using the natural resources . Nature is the strongly backthe economy of the country .When the economy of the country becomes strong,rest of the things become automatically adjustable and fit for socio-politiesdevelopment. By using the natural resources people can earn strongeconomic base.Nation also can getthe economic base by using nature of the nation when the nation provide allinformation about natural resources then the tourism industry candeveloped and directly help in the development of the nation. Therefor weshould shave our nature and keep healthy we are really lucky because we getthats type of nature so safe it in every step

Gautam Buddha (Biography)

Gautam Buddha is now regarded as light of Asia. Though he was born than two thousand years ago his preaching are still very much popular all over the world. He is a symbol of peace and knowledge. He is the founder of Buddhism which is a popular religion of the world.

Gautam Buddha’s real name was Siddhartha. He was the son of king Suddhodana and queen Mayadevi. His mother died soon after his birth. He was brought up very comfortably by his father. He was lovingly cared by his stepmother. Siddhartha was very kind-hearted from his early childhood. He was very helpful. As a child he was very clever and wise. His father taught him politics. King had thought of handing over his royal responsibilities to him. But all these things wouldn’t interest him. When the time came he was married to Yasodhara Devi In due course of time they had a baby boy, Rahul.

One day he went out to look around the town. He was moved in wonder when he saw an old man, diseased man and a dead man. He got the knowledge of this natural happening by the charioteer. He kept wondering why these things happen in man’s life. He wanted to free man of these worldly sorrows. Thus, Siddhartha one night left his princely life and set out alone from his palace in search of truth about life.

He had to face a lot of hardship. He never gave up with his sufferings. He continued his effort towards achieving his goal. One day a full moon day of Baisakh month he was said to have attained supreme knowledge. Since then he was supreme Buddha.

Buddha went on preaching these lessons at different palaces. He died in Kushinagar at the age of 80. It was a wonderful coincidence that was born , enlightened and expired on the full moon day of Baisakh.

Nepal’s Population Problem:-

Population in recent years is continuously multiplying in the world. This is a burning question to the developing country like ours. The problem of over-population has created a big hindrance in the path of development. Every year thousand of mouths are added to this piece of land.

There are different factors for the cause of this multiplicity. The most serious cause is no education. Majority of people are uneducated and they are very unaware of the badeffects of population. The second factor is poverty. More than 50% of our people are under poverty. Their only source of income is their hands. These people, due to lack of education and poverty think that if they have more children, they can send them for work and run their family’s livelihood. The other most serious factors for this rapid growth is religious and social conventions. Old and uneducated people think that children are the blessing of god and they don’t like to stop producing children.

Moreover, thinking that a boy is the successor of the family they keep on trying for son even if they have huge number of daughters already. Besides, dowry system in the plains have enhanced evil thinking in the minds of people that if they have more sons more wealth enters their houses as dowries during the marriage.

Besides all this, the other reasons for the growth of the population are the invention of medicines. Some decades ago, the child death rate was very high but now due to medical care and medicines the infants’ death rate has been minimized.

The problem of over-population has caused serious disturbances in every field. They cut down trees to make rooms and the environment has lost its luster. More of the country’s money is spent in their health care, schools and other basic items. The over population has also created pollution problem. People die before their actual death due to lack of food, proper sanitation and other basic requirements.

The country is trying to produce more employment opportunities but the rate of growth of population is several times more than this. So, many of them are left unemployed.

Many NGOs and Ingo’s are at continuous work to reduce over growth of the population. They have all been struggling a fruitless fight because unless the people are educated it is very difficult to break the social conventions about family growth and make the people understand about the evils of over population. It is therefore our first and serious effort should be to make people educated and thereby making them understand, the evils of over population.

Child Labour In Nepal :-

The problems of child-labour in the developing countries like Nepal, India, Pakistan, Bangladesh and Shree Lanka have become a burning question of today. IN India alone there are over 100 million children employed in different work. However, Nepal also has no exception to this problem. Over half a million children are also being employed in Nepal.
It is an issue of subsistence that forces the children to take up menial jobs and give up their studies at an early stage of life. The parents of the poor children find it hard to continue their education and send their children to earn something and assist the family by all means. The parents of the child laboures face great difficulties to bring up their children and as a result, sent their children to earn their livelihood. These children are really unfortunate as they are forced to take up jobs for food. The children while doing the jobs send money to their parents. In tea stalls, sweet shops, in transportation such as porters and handy boy in tempos, they are mainly engaged. Many of the times, still very commonly they are employed in rich man’s houses as servants. A grate number of them are engaged in carpet making trade, tending of cows etc.

This inhuman trade can not be stopped unless a sever law is passed. Compulsory Primary Education would be of much use in this regard. However, the poor parents will not prefer to send their children to schools in fear of loss of income. Children are also engaged in small trade like shoe polishing. The problem of child labour can not be up rooted unless their parents are conscious and aware of their children. In fact these child labours die at an early stage as they do not get enough food and medicine for their survival. The child labour being very cheap they are employed by the greedy traders.

The exploitation goes on because poverty is the root behind all these. Time has come when nation should rise against such evil practice and pass suitable laws for the protection of the children.

Wild Life In Nepal:-

Though Nepal is a relatively small country, the population of wildlife it harbors is fantastically large. With only 0.1% of th world’s total area. Nepal is home to over 4% of this planet’s are mammals and 8% of its bird species including many, which are globally endangered. To date, 181 mammal, 43 amphibian, 100 reptile, 185 fish, 844 bird, and 635 butterfly and moth species have been documented in Nepal. The spine babbler (bird) and “Jalkapuri” (fish) have yet to be found anywhere else in the world. Similarly, the Atlas moth and a crake species recorded here are by far the largest of all their counterparts ever to be found.
Diversity in landform breeds diversity in life, and Nepal is rich in both. In its firm commitment to preserve, His Majesty’s Government of Nepal has established within its territory 14 protected zones incorporating 14%(20,452 sq. km ) of its total surface area. These include the Royal Chitwan National Park. The Royal Bardiya National Park , the Annapurna conservation area, and the Sagarmatha the-Phoksundo, and Lantang National park. From tropical creatures like the hyena, to alpine animals like the snow leopard, beasts of all shapes and sizes have found this land suitable to their living. The one-honed Rhinoceros is one of the most adamant survivors of this planet. The grate one horned Rhinoceros found in Nepal weighs, around 2100 kg. and can reach 180 cm. at the shoulders when fully grown. It has poor eyesight but its sense of smell and hearing are formidable.

Up until the 60s, the number of rhinos in Nepal was only between 80 and 100. But with the establishment of the protected areas, it has risen to more than 450. The Royal Bengal Tiger often termed as the “King of the Jungle”, the tiger is one of the world’s most magnificent animals. The Royal Bengal Tiger is a rich-colored, well-striped creature with a short coat. It usually weighs between 150 and 250 kg and can reach up to 300cm in length.

The Royal Chitwan national Park is the place, which harbours most of Nepal’s 250 tigers. Other protected areas where they can be sighted are: Royal Suklaphanta wildlife reserve. The snow leopard has its dwelling in the snow covered Himalayans. In Nepal, their habitat extends to 36,640 sq. km in the high altitudes among rocks and cliff-, above the tree line more than 3,500 m above the sea-leavel. The Gangetic dolphin, so named for their habitation in the gangetic waters, is a recent discovery in Nepal. The female species are larger than the males and they can reach up to 200 cm in length. They are no gregarious by nature. The Gangetic dolphins abound mostly in the Koshi, Narayani, Gandaki and Karnali rivers.

The gharial crocodile is one of the most prominent reptile varieties so far found in Nepal. In Nepal, they abound mostly in the royal Chitwan Nation Park, where one can even observe reproduction of gharials in breeding farm. The wild boar is distinctive for its hard tusks, sparse coat and flute crest or mane of black bristle reaching 90 cm and its weight may well exceed 230kg.These tusked animals abound mostly in the Royal Chitwan national Park, Dhorpatan Hunting Reserve, Royal Bardiya National Park and Parsa Wild life reserve

Cottage Industries In Nepal:-

Nepal is an old, developing country with its own artistic history. Nepal, being a poor and landlocked country, to set up many factories and industries for the employment of its people is just a dream. Many people are unemployed. It is therefore the important of cottage industries in our country can hardly be exaggerated.Men make many things out of natural things. They may be made on a small or a large scale. Artisans make these things at home on a small scale. It is called collage industry. A small amount is needed for these cottage industries.
There are different types of cottage industries found to have set up in Nepal. Weaving cloth or garment is the most common of all. The other important cottage industries are spinning, cloth printing, embroidering, carpet making, carpentry, carving in wood, stones and metal, pottery, making utensils, basket making, shoe making, making of tools of iron and steel, mat-making, doll making etc.
Although Nepal is a small country there are many hungry mouths here. Most of them live in villages. Most of them live on agriculture. Besides cultivators, there are many artisans. Thus, a large number of people earn their bread by these handicrafts. Few mills and factories can not meet all the necessities of the people. Hence, there is great need of these types of industries in Nepal.There is a great value of our handicraft products in the international markets. Many peoples living in tourist areas, depend upon handicraft products. Many foreigners coming to Nepal buy our handloom and ‘handicraft’ products. Our hand made carpet got a great value in the international market. The government has been encouraging these industries. Electricity is now supplying power to the village. This will be of great help to the artisans for using small machines.
However, there are still many problems faced by these industries. Many of them who intend to open up such industries lack finance. The procedure for taking loan from the bank is still very difficult. People who have no land or house are not give loan in lack of education and training facilities. So, they don’t have efficiency in the work. Besides, the means of transport has caused a very great hindrance. The market facilities for these products are still very poor.
However, in our five-year plans great important has been given to the improvement to economic condition of the villagers. These industries are given priorities. Artisans are given facilities to get training in different crafts. Banks have been making the procedures of leading loan comfortable. We therefore hope that the future of our cottage industries in our country is bright.

Mount Everest:-

Mount Everest, the mountain peak in the Himalayas of northern Nepal is considered to be the highest mountain peak in the world. Mount Everest was known as Peak XV until 1856, when it was named for Sir George Everest, the surveyor general of India from 1830to 1843. Most Nepali people refer to the mountain as Sagarmatha, meaning “Forehead in the Sky.” Speakers of Tibetan language, including the Sherpa people of northern Nepal, refer to the mountain as Chomolungma, Tibetan for “Goddess Mother of the world.”

Mount Everest the highest mountain in the world, with a height of 8,848m (29,035ft), rises in the Himalayas on the frontier of Nepal and Tibet. Numerous group tried to reach the summit before the successful attempt by two members of a British expedition on May 29, 1953. Mount Everest is covered with huge glaciers that descend from the main peak and its nearby satellite peaks. The mountain itself is a pyramid-shaped horn, sculpted by the erosive power of the glacial ice into three massive faces and three major ridges, which soar to the summit from the north, south, and west and separate the glaciers.

The climate of Mount Everest is naturally extreme. In January, the coldest month, the summit temperature averages -36 degree centigrade and can drop as low as -60 degree centigrade. In July, the warmest month, the average summit temperature is -19 degree centigrade. At no time of the year does the temperature on the summit rise above freezing. From June through September the mountain is in the grip of the Indian monsoon, during which wind and precipitation blow in the form the Indian Ocean. Masses of clouds and violent snowstorms are common during this time.

Base Camp, which serves as a resting area and base of operation for climbers organizing their attempts for the summit, is located on the Khumbu glacier at an elevation of 5,400 m. It receives an average of 450 mm of precipitation a year.The South Col route for climbing Mount Everest was made popular by Sir Edmund Hillary and Tenzing Norgay, who, in 1953, became the first people to successfully climbs the mountain.

Traditionally, the people who live near mount Everest have revered the mountains of the Himalayas and imagined them as the homes of gods. Because the peaks were considered sacred, no local people scaled them before the early 1900s. However, when foreign expeditions brought tourist dollars and Western ideas to the area, people of the Sherpa ethic group began to serve as high-altitude porters for them. By the mid-1990s, 4,000 people had attempted to climb Everest-660 of them successfully reached the summit and more than 140 of them died trying.

The difficulties of climbing Mount Everest are legendary. Massive snow and ice avalanches are a constant threat to all expeditions. The avalanches thunder off the peaks repeatedly, sometimes burying valleys, glaciers, and climbing routes. Camps are chosen to avoid know avalanches paths. And climbers are chosen to avoid know avalanches paths, and climbers who make ascents through avalanches terrain try to cross at times when the weather is most appropriate. Hurricane force winds are a well-known hazard on Everest, and many people have been endangered or killed when their tents collapsed or were ripped to shreds by the gales.

As the popularity of climbing Everest has increased in recent years, so have safety problems. To pay the high climbing permit fee charged by the Nepalese government, many experienced climbers have recruited wealthy, amateur climbers as teammates. The combination of inexperience, crowded summit conditions (more than 30 have been known to summit the peak on the same day), and extreme weather condition has led to a number of tragedies in which clients and competent guides alike have died attempting the climb.

Empty bottles litter the ground on the South Col route to the summit of Mount Everest. According to some estimates, more than 50 tons of non-biodegradable trash was abandoned on the mountain between the 1950s and the mid-1990s.The large number of trekkers and climbers who visit Nepal and the Everest region contribute to the local economy but also cause serious environmental impact. Such impact includes the burning of wood for fuel, pollution in the form of human waste and trash, and abandoned climbing gear. Although some climbing gear is recycled by local residents either for their own use or for resale, it is estimated that more than 50 tons of plastic, glass, and metal were dumped between 1953 and mid-1990s in what has been called “the world’s highest junkyard.”

Efforts have been made to reduce the negative environmental impact on Mount Everest. The Nepalese government has been using a portion of climbing fees to clean up the area. In 1976, with aid from Sir Edmund Hillary’s Himalayan Trist and the Nepalese government, the Sagarmatha National Park was established to preserve the remaining soil and forest around Mount Everest. By the mid-1990s the park comprised 1,240 sq km (480 sq mi).

The Himalayas:-

The Himalayans mountain system developed in a series of stages 30 to 50 million years ago. The Himalayan range was created from powerful earth movement that occurred as the Indian plate pressed against the Eurasian continental plate. The earth movements raised the deposits laid down in the ancient, shallow Tethys Sea to form the Himalayan ranges from Pakistan eastward across northern India, and from Nepal and Bhutan to the Myanmar border. Even today the mountains continue to develop and change, and earthquakes and tremors are frequent in the area.

Physically, the Himalayas forms three parallel zones; the Great Himalayas, the Middle Himalayas, and the Sub-Himalayas, which includes the Siwalik Range and foothills and the tarai and Duars piedmont. Each of these lateral divisions exhibits certain similar topographic features. The great Himalayas, the highest zone, consists of a huge line of snowy peaks with an average height exceeding 6100 m (20,000 ft). The width of this zone, composed largely but not entirely of gneiss and granite is about 24 km. Spurs from the Great Himalayas project southwards into the Middle Himalayas in an irregular fashion. The Nepal and Sikkim portion the Great Himalayas contains the greatest number of high peaks. The snow line on the southern slopes of the Great Himalayas varies from 4480 m in the eastern and central Himalayas of Nepal and Sikkim to 5180 m (17,000 ft) in the western Himalayas. To the north of the Great Himalayas are several ranges such as the Zaskar, Ladakh, and the Kailas. The Karakoram Range lies on the Tibetan side of the Great Himalayas.
The great Himalayan region is one of the few remaining isolated and inaccessible areas in the world today. Some high valleys in the Great Himalayas are occupied by small clustered settlements. Extremely cold winters and short growing season limit the farmers to one crop per year, most commonly potatoes or barley.
The Middle Himalayas range, which has a width of about 80 km, borders the great Himalaya range on the south. It consists principally of high ranges both within and outside of the great Himalayan range; some of the ranges of the Middle Himalayas are the Nag Tibba, the Dhaola Dhar, the Pir Panjal, and the Mahabharata. The Middle Himalayas possess a remarkable uniformity of height; most are between 1830 and 3050 m.
The Himalayas influences the climate of the Indian subcontinent by sheltering it from the cold air mass of Central Asia. The range also exerts a major influence on monsoon and rainfall patterns. Within the Himalayas climate varies depending on elevation and location. Climate ranges from subtropical in the southern foothills, with average summer temperatures of about 60 degree centigrade and average winter temperatures of about 18 degree centigrade. Warm temperate conditions in the Middle Himalayan valleys, with average summer temperatures of about 25 degree centigrade and cooler winters; cool temperate conditions in the higher parts of the Middle Himalayas, where average summer temperature are 15 to 18 degree centigrade and winters are below freezing; to a cold and winters are severe. At elevations above 4880 m (16,000 ft the climate is very cold with below freezing temperatures and the area is permanently covered with snow and ice. The eastern part of the Himalayas receives heavy rainfall; the western part is drier.

Ecosystem :-

Organisms living in a particular environment, such as a forest or a coral reef, and the physical parts of the environment that affect them are known as Ecosystem. The term ecosystem was coined in 1935 by the British ecologist Sir Arthur George Tinsley, who described natural systems in “constant interchange” among their living and nonliving parts.
Coral reefs represent the most complex aquatic ecosystem found on Earth. Wetlands are complex ecosystems that provide spawning and nursery grounds for saltwater and freshwater fish, habitat for more than half of the migratory birds in the United States, and plant both exotic and commonplace. In addition to providing plant and animal habitat, wetlands play a crucial role in flood control and water filtration.

The ecosystem concept fits into an ordered view of nature that was developed by scientists to simplify the study of the relationship between organisms and their physical environment, a field known as ecology. At the top of the hierarchy is the planet’s entire living environment, known as the biosphere. Within this biosphere are several large categories of living communities known as biomes that are usually characterized by their dominate vegetation, such as grasslands, tropical forests, or deserts. The biomes are in turn made up of ecosystems. The living, or biotic, parts of an ecosystem, such as the plants, animals, and bacteria found in soil, are known as a community. The physical surroundings, or biotic components, such as the minerals found in the soil, are known as the environment or habitat.

Producers, consumers, decomposers, and a biotic matter form an integrated, functioning whole driven by the Sun’s energy. The living portion of an ecosystem is best described in terms of feeding levels known as tropic levels. Green plants make up the first tropic level and are known as primary producers.

Plants are able to convert energy from the sun into food in a process known as photosynthesis. In the second tropic level, the primary consumers known as herbivores are animals and insects that obtain their energy solely by eating the green plants. Third tropic level is composed of the secondary consumers, flesh-eating or carnivorous animals that feed on herbivores. At the fourth level are the tertiary consumers, carnivores that feed on other carnivores. Finally, the fifth tropic level consists of the decomposers, organisms such as fungi and bacteria that break down dead or dying matter into nutrients that can be used again.

Some or all of these tropic levels combine to form what is known as a food web, the ecosystem’s mechanism for circulating and recycling energy and materials. For example, in an aquatic ecosystem algae and other aquatic plants use sunlight to produce energy in the form of carbohydrates. Primary consumers such as insects and small fish may feed on some of this plant matter, and are in turn eaten by secondary consumers, such as salmon. A brown bear may play the role of the tertiary consumer by catching and eating salmon. Bacteria and fungi may the feed upon and decompose the salmon carcass left behind by the bear, enabling the valuable nonliving components of the ecosystem, such as chemical nutrients, to leach back into the soil and water, where they can be absorbed by the roots of plants. In this way nutrients and the energy that green plants derive from sunlight are efficiently transferred and recycled throughout the ecosystem.

Governments and Some NGOs have begun to restore the proper chain of ecosystem. They have adopted studies and training upon it. Large amount of money and concentration is put in restoring ecosystem management. Ecosystem management often requires special measures to protect threatened or endangered species that ply key roles in the ecosystem.

Caste System In Nepal :-

Caste is rigid social system in which a social hierarchy is maintained generation after generation and allows little mobility out of the position to which a person is born. The term is often applied to the hierarchical hereditary divisions. The world caste was first used by 16th-century Portuguese traders; it is derived from the Portuguese ‘casta’, denoting family strain, breed, or race. The Sanskrit word is jati. The Sanskrit term varna denoted a group of jati, or the system of caste.The traditional caste system developed more than 3000 years ago when Aryan-speaking nomadic group migrated from the north to Indian about 1500 Bc. The Aryan priests divided society into a basic caste system.
Aryan priest-lawmakers created the four grate hereditary divisions of socirty still surviving today, placing their own priestly class at the head of this case system with the title own priestly class at the head of this caste system with the title of earthly gods, or Brahmans. Next in order of rank were the warriors, the Kshatriyas. Then came the Vaisyas, the farmers and merchants. The fourth of the original caste was the Sudras, the laborers, born to be servants to the other three castes, especially the Brahman. Far lower than the Sundras-in fact, entirely outside the social order and limited to doing the most menial and unappealing tasks-were those people of no caste. Formerly known as Untouchables.

The four original castes have been subdivided again and again over many centuries, until today it is impossible to tell their exact number. Estimates range from 2000 to 3000 different castes established by Brahmanical law throughout Indian, each region having its own distinct groups defined by craft and fixed by custom.

In recent years considerable strides toward eradicating unjust social and economic aspects of the caste system as practiced in Nepal have been made through educational and reform movements. The drafted constitution of Nepal stated in a special clause under the heading “human rights”: Untouchability is abolished attempts to improve the status of members of the lowest caste, many of whom now prefer to be referred to as Dralits discrimination and exploitation is still common.

There have been various attempts to remove this thought of unsociability and preserve their rights. A lot of progress has been made in this regard after the democracy of 2046 BS. However, a lot more effort high-class citizen that there are only two castes male and female.

Insect Part of Nature:-

Insect is a small, air-breathing animal characterized by a segmented body with three main parts-head, thorax, and abdomen. In their adult forms. Insects typically have three pairs of legs, one pair of antennae, and in most instances, two pairs of wings.
For sheer variety and abundance, insects rank among the most successful animals on Earth. About one million species of insects have been identified so far, which about half of all the animals is known to science. Insects live in almost every habitat on land. For example, distant relatives of crickets called rock crawlers survive in the peaks of the Himalayas by producing a kind of antifreeze that prevents their body fluids from freezing solid. At the other extreme are worker ants that forage for food in the Sahara Desert at temperatures above 47 degree centigrade. Insects consume an enormous variety of food. In the wild, many eat leaves, wood, nectar, or other small animals, but indoors some survive on a diet of wool clothes, glue, and even soap. As a group, insects have only one important limitation: although many species live in fresh water-particularly when they are young-only a few can survive in the salty water of the oceans.

Insects are often regarded as pests because some bite, sting spread diseases, or compete with humans for crop plants. Nevertheless, without insects to pollinate flowers, the human race would soon run out of food because many of the crop plants that we rely on would not be able to reproduce. Insects themselves are valued as food in most of the world, except among Western societies. They help to recycle organic matter by feeding on wastes and on dead plants and animals. In addition, insects are of aesthetic importance-some insects, such as dragonflies, beetles, and butterflies, are widely though to be among the most beautiful of all animals.

Insects are invertebrates, animals without backbones. They belong to a category of invertebrates called arthropods, which all have jointed legs, segmented bodies, and a hard outer covering called an exoskeleton. Two other well-known groups and arthropods are crustaceans which include crayfish and crabs, and arachnids, which include spiders, ticks, mites, and scorpions. Many types of arthropods are commonly called bugs, but not every “bug” is an insect. Spiders, for example, are not insects, because they have eight legs and only two main body segments.

Regardless of their size, all adult insects have a similar body plan, which includes an exoskeleton, a head, a thorax, and an abdomen. The exoskeleton protects the insect, gives the body its form, and anchors its muscles. The head holds most of an insect’s sensory organs, as well as its brain and month. The thorax, the body segment to which wings and legs are attached, is the insect’s centre of locomotion. An insect’s large, elongated abdomen is where food is processed and where the reproductive organs are located.

Like other animals, insects absorb nutrients from food, expel waste produce via an excretory system, and take in oxygen from the air. Insect blood circulates nutrients and removes wastes from the body, but unlike most animals, insect blood plays little or no part in carrying oxygen through the body. Lacking the oxygen-carrying portion called hemoglobin that gives the blood of humans and many other animals its red color, insect blood is usually colorless or a watery green Insects have a well-developed nervous system, based on a double cord of nerves that stretches the length of the body. An insect’s brain collects information from its numerous sense organs, but unlike a human brain, it is not in sole charge of movement. This is controlled by a series of nerve bundles called ganglia, one for each body segment, connected by the nerve cord. Even if the brain is out of action, these ganglia continue to work.

In our environment insects are mostly important because they all helps for the balance condition of the ecosystem and maintain environment in good condition , now days many species of insects are in endanger condition because peoples did not understand important and role of insects in our environment. There for we all should have comment sense that is “we should protect all kinds of insects”. In poor country peoples are not understanding why we should safe insects so in that type of country we should provide education about insects, this earth is for all kinds of living things so don’t be selfish be good and make best.

A Grate Political Hero Of Nepal :-

There are many political figures whose names have been written in a golden color in the book of history. Among them, Late Ganesh Man Singh is one, whom I am impressed very much with. He was a great , political leader whose might, labors and abled leadership brought real democracy in Nepal in 2047 B.S.
He was then named ‘Father of Democracy Ganeshman Singh was born on 24th kartik in the year 1972 in Yatkha, as an eldest son of Subha ganeshman Singh and Subhadra Kumari Shrestha. He was admitted in Darbar High School in class five but was expelled from the school in grade six for not having respected Rana’s children. He passed his S.L.C. from Calcutta. He was introduced to Nepali politics when he was studying in I.Sc. in Calcutta. He came to Rastriya Praja Parished. He was married to Mangla Deli immediately after he joined the party. The contemporary Rana government sentenced him to life imprisonment. His contemporary leaders Gangalal, Dharma Bhakta, Dashrath Chandra and Sukraraj who were imprisoned at the same time were executed.

Rana’s confinement could not fix him to the prison. He ran away from the Bhadragol prison in 2001 BS, Baisakh and went to India where he met B.P. Koirala in Calcutta. Along with B.P. Koirala, he established Nepal National Congress on 12th Magh 2003 BS. The same party in the unison of Subarna Shamsher’s Prajantantrik Congress became Nepali Congress in 2006 BS. He Became the founder of Nepali Congress.

In the preparation of 2007’s revolution, he came back to Nepal underground but was captured and pained. He was released after the 2007’s Independence. He even became minister two times. He was elected as a member of parliament from Kathmandu. He again became a minister in B. P. Koirals’s prime ministership.He was again imprisoned for eight years after the party system was banished in 2017 Poush 1. After freeing ffrom Sundarijal Jail, he went back to Indian and led the revolutionary team for democracy.

In the year 2046 Falgun 7th historical movement broke out in the country. In the people’s movement he was the leading commander of the movement. He was then imprisoned in his home. He was helped by all six communist party of the country. When he became seriously ill, he was admitted in Bir hospital, where he was again imprisoned. When the restriction of the multiparty system was lifted there was a hige mass gathering in Tundikhel in 2046, Chaitra 27th. He was there addressed as Father of Democracy.

He was in fact a great political here, who did not care for his own family life or property but revolted continuously for freedom of people. His life was full of adventure and pity. When I realized, that all this he sacrificed was for the people as a whole, and not for him alone, my respect towards him comes truly from heart. And I, with great esteem say, long live great Ganeshman Singh My hero.

Nepali Best King Birendra Bir Bikram Shah Dev :-

King Birendra Bir Bikram Shah Dev was the king of Nepal from 1972 to 2001 AD. He was born in 1945 AD in kathmandu. He was the eldest Son of King Mahendra Bir Bikram Shah Dev. Birendra was educated in India and England before taking degree from the University of Tokyo in Japan and Harvard University in the United States. He ascended to the throne as King of Nepal in 1972, following the death if his father, and was formally crowned in 1975. Birendra inherited a political system that banned the formation of political parties and allowed for the autocratic rule of the King though a non-party system of councils known as panchayats.
In 1980, in the face of political demonstrations and general unrest king Birendra called for a referendum to allow the people to choose between the existing panchayat system and a multiparty system. The referendum returned a slight majority for maintaining the panchayat system with certain modifications. Birendra allowed a number of democratizing reforms, such as the direct popular election of the Rashtriya Panchayat. In 1990 a coalition of opposition forces, including a number of political parties operating unofficially, began an agitation against the panchayat system. When the protests turned violent, Birendra conceded democratic sovereignty to the people in a new constitution, ending the panchayat system and allowing for general elections and the emergence of political parties.

In early June 2001, king Birendra and eight other members of the royal family, including Queen Aiswarya, were fatally shot in the royal palace in Kathmandu. He initially survived his gunshot wounds in a coma. All Nepali peoples thought that his subsequent death officially made King Birendra’s brother, Prince Gyanendra Bir Bikram Shah, the new king of Nepal but there is no any legal proof which proved that.

Religious Tradition And festivals Of Nepal

All peoples of Nepal are different mind of religious. All Nepali peoples are celebrate a number of festivals based on religion, tradition, and social customs. All Festivals of Nepal can be categorized as:
(a) Social Festivals
(b) National Festivals
(c) Religious Festivals
(a) Social Festivals:- All social festivals are organized with most important and special occasions and change in monsoons, like birthday, Lhosar, Chhath, marriage , Shrawan Sankranti, Bratabandha, Makarsankranti etc.

(b) National Festivals:- National festivals are celebrated by all the people of the country irrespective of religion, caste and communities. Some of national festivals of Nepal are New year’s day(Baishakh 1), Democracy Day(Falgun 7), Loktantra Day(Baishakh 11), etc. This all festivals are organized when all family members are together and also when friends are gathering and enjoying different type of festivals , such a Nepal is full of different tradition and religious and stay all Nepali peoples with full of peace all Nepali respect other tradition and religious.
(c)Religious Festivals:- All religious festivals are organized in the special day of God , there are different gods for every society and all believe in God and worship them from inside their heart , some of God’s names are Lord Shiva, Prophet Mohammad(Ramadan), Ram, Durga, etc. Here is some festivals of Nepal which are celebrating with full of enjoyment and together shown as below.
NEW Year’s Day: It is the first day of the new year of Bikram Era. It falls in the month of Baishakh and is declared as a national holiday. People exchange New year greetings and good wishes on this day . It is a national festival.
Janai Purnima:- It is also known as ‘Raksha Bandhan’. It falls on the full moon day of Shrawan. Hindus wearing sacred thread(Janai) go to a nearby stream or river, take bath and receive a new Janai from the priest. On this day the Janai from the priest. On this day the Janai is changed for the year. Hindus get sacred yellow thread from the Brahmin priest around their wrist as blessings and good wishes.
In the Terai, festival is known by the name of ‘Rakhi’. Sisters tie Rakhi around their brothers’ wrists, wishing them long life and offer them sweets and fruits. In turn, brothers offer their sister gifts and money.
Shreepanchami:- Shreepanchami is also called Basanta Panchanmi or Saraswati Puja. It falls on the fifth day of full-moon day of Magh. This festival also marks the beginning of the spring season. Saraswati is regarded as the goddess of learning . It is a special day for education. People go to Saraswati temple to worship and get blessing. ON this day books, pens, exercise books and education materials are also worshipped. It is an auspicious day to initial learning. Buddhists celebrate this day as Manju Panchami. They consider Manjushree as the Goddess Saraswati. People celebrate this festival with great joy.

Mahashivaratri:- Shivaratri or Mahashivaratri is a great festival of the Hindus. It falls on Falgun Krishna Chaturdashi, the fourteenth day of the dark moon day of Flagon. The holy temple of Pashupatinath at Katmandu becomes the center of attraction for the Hindus. Hundreds of thousands pilgrims from Nepal and India come to worship Lord Pashupatinath on this day. The devotees worship Lord Shiva with holy water, milk, sweets, fruits, flowers and ‘Belpatra’. Many people fast on this day. Many sages and saints are seen sitting around the burning fire in the temple precinct. A big fair is held around the Pashupatinath Temple.
ID:- Id is the main festival of the followers of Islam. The Muslims celebrate this festival throughout the world. It is celebrate in the month of Ramzan of Hijri Calender. In this festival, the Muslims fast for the whole month which they call”Roza”. They do not eat anything during the daylight hours and eat only anything during daylight hours and eat only when the sun sets after offering prayer, “Namaz”. After fasting for a month, they celebrate the last day with great joy which is known as Id-Ul-Fitr. On this day, they wear new clothes and go to mosque to pray. They greet each other by saying “ID Mubarak”. They eat a variety of sweets and visit their friends and relatives. They offer alms to the poor and disabled.
Christmas:- Christmas is one of the main festivals of our country. It is celebrated by the Christian Community to commemorate the birthday of Jesus Christ. It falls on the 25th of December, the day on which Jesus Christ was born. On this day the Christians decorate their Christmas tree beautifully with lights, flowers, candles, colorful papers and other beautiful items. They put presents under the tree which are given to their relatives and friends on another day of Christmas. In this festival the Christmas cards are exchanged among friends and relatives. The Christians visit church to offer prayers to Jesus Christ. They also visit their relatives, exchange greetings and sing Christmas carols. Then they all gather and enjoy their Christmas feasts. They all eat Christmas cake.

Rafting In Nepal:

The most popular and adventure activity is rafting and it is very famous in Nepal many international visitors are comes in Nepal for it because they can get chance to play with white fast running water and nature. Fast running river rafting is the most funny and most brave sport and it gains much popularity in Nepal because Nepal is full of mountains and all big rivers are comes from direct all mountains and they all are in very speed which is best for rafting. There for many tourists are visiting and gaining this fun in Nepali rivers now days and its popularity is going rapidly out side of Nepal. If any person is searching for the water fun then river rafting in Nepal is best chance for him/her. White water rafting is most best trip in Nepal.
Trishuli river, Bheri river, Arun river, Marshyangdi river, Bhote Koshi, karnali river etc are the best rivers for rafting in Nepal, you can get full of enjoyment in rivers with play of nature , all services are providing from the trip organization , all safety tips and equipment ate providing and you will get all information about the situation of rivers , many international tourists are just going in river and are not known about the situation of rivers and they will not get much enjoyment or they will be in accident, so if you making plan for the rafting in Nepal they you will known all rivers of rafting which are specially open for it and you most bring guard person who know all information about the rafting and rivers of rafting. From this natural fun you will get really good experience in your life all natural beauties are with you. In other country you will not get this type of white water rafting services and all natural fun, when you do this adventure due to fastness of river you are full of natural and rivers beauty so don’t missed this experience in your life you need to test it and get more enjoyment of life from this. Nepali government is also doing best and making new rules for the systematic rafting in Nepal , new press release and updates are providing day by day , in Nepal tourism is the most big and popular space and all Nepali peoples are known about it , there for you will get full of respect and help from all Nepali peoples and society so just make a plan and start from today really you best life time is start from here.All geographical situation of Nepal is best for the fast river rafting and it is suitable for the all Himalayas rivers, due to this adventure maximum Nepali peoples are getting jobs and they are providing great help for the out county tourists now days Nepali government bring Home Stay system and you will get shelter in every small and remote village , so don’t worry about the food and drinks there is all ready for you just need to order it. World’s number one rafting place is Nepal and Nepal gains this name due to fast running white water rivers, so Nepali all peoples and government should manage it with full of planning and make it popular all around the world , it is very important thing many peoples are unknown about rafting in Nepal it is because lack of advertisement and information so Nepal should understand its richness of natural sources.

Visit Nepal – 1998

It was only in the year 1980’s when Nepal came out of its centuries old loneliness and moved into the path of modern development. After Nepal has been opened for the world it has affected many fields. It has improved our economy through different aspects. Moreover, tourists coming from different places go back and make our nation known to many other people. After 47 years, the government of our country decided to celebrate visit Nepal year 1998. The number of tourists was 60,000 in 1962, and In 1997 it has increased to 377 thousands. The government hoped to welcome half a million tourist in 1998.Tourists mainly come to our country with three purposes: firstly, for viewing the natural beauties, secondly; to observe the ancient and modern art and architecture, and the thirdly; with religious aspects.
Through Nepal is small in size and poor in economy, it give different unforgettable experiences and feeling to the people. Enchanting monuments and festivals of the Katmandu valley, snow peaks, the Himalayas, the dense jungle, the birthplace of Buddha and other opportunities like rafting, trekking & mountaineering are other important factors. Besides, many Hindus visit Nepal with religious aspects also.It is very beneficial for our economy to increase the number of incoming tourists. Besides, it helps us to improve and open a lot of other areas such as hotel’s transportation, communication, shopping facilities, which also means progress. They leave their foreign currencies on our land. Furthermore, we can make our country known to the world through these tourists.

Tourist are our guests. It becomes our responsibility to welcome them with our open arms. We all must therefore respect their visits and create a healthy impression which attract them to visit Nepal again and again. In that way from 1998 Nepal is open for all peoples of world , all peoples can visit Nepal with freedom and study nature ,culture,natural resources of Nepal from 1998 , there for this year is also called golden year of Nepal, and now tourism is one of the best economic source of Nepal , many peoples of Nepal gets jobs in tourism sect-res.

Social Structure Of Ancient Nepal:-

The history of Nepal has been divided into three periods:-
The Ancient Period (up to 937 BS)
Medieval Period (937 BS- 1825 BS)

Modern Period (1825 BS onward)
Many kings of various dynasties ruled over Nepal during the ancient period. Bhuktaman is regarded as the first king of Nepal of the Gopal dynasty. After Gopals, Mahishpals ruled over Nepal. Kirants defeated Mahishpals and stared to rule in Nepal. Altogether 29 Kirant kings ruled over Nepal for more than 1200 years. The last king of this dynasty, Gasti was defeated by Nimish, the Lichchhavi king and the Lichchhavi regime was set up in Nepal.

The history of Nepal begins with the Kirants. We have some images and stupas built by them. The Kirants had rich civilization. The names of many places are derived from the Kirant words. For example, Teku from Tengkhu, Tyagul from Tegval, Farping from Fanpring, Banepa from Bhajana, Khopasi from Khurpring, etc. The Kirant had their own script which was called Sirijangha. They worshipped Lord Shiva in the forms of Kiranteshwar Mahadev. They also worshipped serpent, tree, river, stone and lighting. The image of Birupaksha shows the standard of their architecture. Buddhism flourished under the Kirants. The images of deities and the Ashoka stupas speak their rich sculpture. The holy book of Kirant is called the Mundhum in which the rites and rituals followed by Kirants have been mentioned.

The Kirants were short but stout. They had broad cheeks, flat nose, dark eyes and thin whiskers. They established many permanent villages in the valley. They cultivated land and raised cattle for agriculture, meat and milk. They lived in joint family. They had special festivals to mark sowing and reaping. Their major food consisted of milk. Meant, green leaves, vegetables, rice, roots, fruit and fish. They consumed wine. They enjoyed wrestling and bull fighting. They had established many law-courts to punish th criminals. The Kirants were simple in their manner and customs.

The Lichchhavi society was based on caste system. Brahmin, Chhetri, Baisya and Shudra were the main castes. People lived in joint families. The status of women was high in the society. King Mandev had inscribed the image of his wife Bhogini in his coin. Polygamy system was practiced. King Mandev had three wives named Bhogini, Gunawati and Kshem Sundari. Sati system was in practice but it was not compulsory. King Mandev did not allow his mother Rajyawati to do Sati(i. e. burn herself with her dead husband’s body on the funeral pyre) when his father died.

The Condition of education was good during the Lichchhavi period. Amshuverma was a learned king. He had written a book called “Shabda Vidhya”. The Veda, Purana, Smriti, Ramayan, Mahabharat and the ancient religious epics were the main text of that time.

Both male and female could wear the ornaments. King Narendra Dev wore various valuable ornaments. People observed various Jatras and festivals for entertainment. The practice of Baraha jatra, Kailasku-Jatra, etc. are mentioned in the inscription. Dashain, Deepawali, Buddha Jayanti were their main festivals. The Kirants and the Lichchhavis were also entertained by wrestling and bull fighting. There was a good religious tolerance in the society.

There for Nepal is full of history and old memories including all bad and good things, many kings are ruled in this nation all kings are not play good rule in the development of the nation they think only about their life but some kings are really helpful for the development of the nation they ruled for the nation and give some extra things for people and country, such a Nepal is full of history.

Nepali Customs

Nepal is a small country. King Prithivi Narayan Shah the Great called it a common garden of four castes(jats) and thirty-six sub-castes(Varnas). In fact nowdays, there are many more sub-castes. They have their own languages, dress, social practices and religious. In spite of these differences. They make a common culture- Nepali culture. However, they have not given up their social traditions, practices and ceremonies. We are going to study the social customs and ceremonies of some castes in Nepal.


The Brahmins live in the Terai region as well as in the mountain region. They command high position in the society and are greatly respected. They follow the Hindu traditions and perform a number of religious and perform a number of religious and social functions. When a baby is born, a ceremony is performed on the sixth day in the Terai and is called the name-giving ceremony (Nwaran). In the mountains, this ceremony is celebrated on the eleventh day. If the baby is son, another ceremony known as ‘Bratabandha’ takes place. The boy is giveb sacred thread (Janai) after some religious rites. This ceremony is performed when he grows older. Marriage is also an important social custom. Generally the marriage is an arranged one but love marriage is also becoming popular. Dowry system in the marriage of this caste in the Terai is an evil other festivals like Judoshital, Nagpanchami, Dashain, Tihar, Teej, Chhat, Chauthchandra, Madhushravant, etc., are also celebrated. The dead body in this caste is burnt according to the Hindu tradition. After death, the dead person’s ‘shraddha’ is also performed for the peace of the departed soul.


The newars perform large number of customs. It is said there is seldom a month when Newar festival does not take place. The Newars are divided into two branches. One branch follows the Hindu traditions and other follows the Buddhist traditions. Like the Brahims, they, too, celebrate and marriage ceremony, ‘Nwaran’ is performed within 4 to 11 days of the baby’s birth. Before marriage, Thi (Beivivah)., “gupha Bas” formalities of the girls are performed. Arranged marriage and love marriage are prevalent. Rites of the dead person are performed according to their religious traditions. They are very fond of dance and song. They celebrate their festivals extravagantly, Dashain, Tihar, Mhapuja, Jatras are their important festivals.


The Sherpas live in the Mountain region from Helambu to Solukhumbu. Their chief festivals are Lhosar, Chheju, Durnje, manirimde, Oshe Chheun, etc Gumbas and Ghyangs are the places of worship. The Sherpas who follow Buddhism celebrate Manepuja on Phagu Purnima. They get lamas to perform their religious and cultural rites. The shraddha in this caste is called Ghewa. They bury their dead body under the ground. The name-giving ceremony is celebrated on the third, seventh or eleventh day of the baby’s birth. Arranged and jaro marriage (taking away another man’s wife to marry her) are prevalent in this caste.


Solukhumbu and eastern mountains are the places where the Rai people live. They follow their social customs and observe their religious festivals. ‘Mundhum’ is their sacred religious book. They get their social and religious ceremonies performed by their own priests. Chandinach and Chyabrungnach are the important festivals of the Rai people. ‘Wine’ and pork also are necessary in the religious and social functions. When they die, they are buried under the ground. They observe the mangwa (shraddha) once a year. They consider ‘Sumnimang Parohang’ (Shiv and Parwati ) as their forefathers and worship them.


The Limbus are the inhabitants of the eastern mountains. Their religious and cultural practices are similar to those of the Rais. Limbus means ‘archer’ and they are actually skilled in archery. When they perform ‘Fedangma’, ‘Mangwa’, ‘Shamba’ to recite Mundhum, which is their holy book and worship ‘Sumnimang Parohang’ (Shiva and Parwati ) regarding them as their ancestors. They worship nature, like Himal and Saptakosi. They never eat new grain until they have worshipped the fround and the cow-shed. Dhannaach and Chyabrungnaach are the important festivals of the Limbus. The name giving ceremony of the son and the daughter in this caste is performed on the third and fourth days of the birth respectively. Arranged marriage is prevalent in the Limbus people. There is a custom of burying the dead among Limbus communities.


The Magar settlements are found in Rolpa, Pyuthan, myagdi, Palpa, Tanahun, Arghakhanchi, Syangja, Parbat, Sindhull. Dang and Surkhet. The name giving ceremony is solemnized from the eleventh to fifteenth days of the baby’s birth. Besides arranged marriage, jari marriage is seen in the magar people. Taking away another man’s wife for the purpose of his wife is known as jari marriage. Funeral ceremony of the dead magar is performed within 13 days. This caste celebrates ‘Kora Naach’, ‘Ghatu Naach’ and ‘Nag Puja’.


The Tharus live mostly in the Terai, Dang, Surkhet, Udaypur and Chitwan. They are very simple minded. They celebrate ‘Nwaran’ (name giving ceremony), and it takes place from the sixth day to the ninth day of the baby’s birth. There are three customs of marriage in this caste . The marriage is settled by parentes or somebody’s wife is take away. Love marriage is also prevalent. The dead body is either burned or buried. Maghi and Phagu are their important festivals. They are fond of dance like ‘Jhumara’, ‘jatjatin’ and ‘Gopichan’. Apart from these castes, there are many other castes too. They have their own social and religious functions.

Art And Culture Of Ancient Nepal

Human beings learn from their expertise, gain data and use them in solving their issues. They discover and make new data and categorical and share their feelings in a very sort of ways in which like drawing, painting, music, literature, etc. we tend to decision such acts as arts.
Similarly, all societies develop bound behavior, habits and values that are passed on from generation to generation and become the simplest way of life that we tend to decision culture .Art and culture developed in Nepal in conjunction with the event of human civilization. However, evidently, it may be traced from the reign of the Kirants though it had been not well-organized. the arrival of Lichchhavi rulers in Nepal from Baishali (India) brought a drastic amendment. King Mandev of this dynasty extended the territory of Nepal way and wide beyond the Kathmandu valley. Nepal became a dwelling place of various castes and creeds. The caste distinction started within the society. This division of caste based mostly on occupation brought specialization and skills in art and culture. In spite of assorted spiritual there was spiritual tolerance within the country.

The construction of massive and inventive palaces, houses, temples, stupas, etc. began within the Lichchhavi amount. Mangriha, Kailashkut Bhawan, Bhadradhi, the temple of Pashupatinath, Changunarayan and Buddhist Bihars of Ashok testify the advancement of art and design.King narendradev had a good looking place that has been appreciated in ‘Tang Description’ of China. Similarly, Chinese traveler Wang-Huen-Tche had said that he had never seen a additional stunning palace than ‘Kailashkut Bhawan’. it had been in-built the pagoda vogue, that was a pure original Nepalese art.

Apart from the Nepalese design, sculpture was additionally well developed during this amount. The image of Triviram of Changu temple, Harihar of Nakshal, image of Baraha of Chandol Dhumbarahi, Bijeshowri Bhagwati of Palanchowk, etc. Speak of the excellence of Nepalese sculpture. Even nowadays the folks of Kathmandu valley are famous for his or her craftsmanship. they're skillful in metal and woodworks. The origin of these works was throughout the Lichchhavi amount.Most of the kings of Lichchhavi dynasty were the lovers of education and art. So, there was a decent development of language, literature, astrology, Ayurveda, faith and art. Sanskrit was the most language. The Chinese traveler Huen-Tsang had mentioned regarding Shabda Shastra of Amshuverma that was written in Sanskrit. The Lichchhavis were keen on dance, drama and song based mostly on faith.